Program 2020

Below is a preliminary program.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Preliminary Program

We've received an amazing selection of sessions from the H5P Community and have put together a preliminary program. All times and sessions may change at this point.

Extra: Sunday Workshop
Please note that there is an extra workshop on Sunday May 17th where the creators of the award winning serious game "Skills Practice: A Home Visit" will teach you how to create serious games. This workshop has a very limited capacity so please register early if you want to participate. More info and pricing.

08:15-09:00Entrance hall
Registration & Coffee


Get your conference badge, tote bags and settle in for the H5P Conference 2020!


As the hosts for the H5P Conference 2020, the University of Wisconsin System would like to welcome you to the first ever H5P Conference in the USA. Practical information will also be provided.

09:15-10:00Room 1
Keynote: Empowering everyone to create, share and reuse Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)
Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)


The founder of H5P will provide an overview of where we are and where we are going. Keep an eye out for engaging new H5P features during his keynote!


Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)

10:15-11:00Room 1
Day one surprise Ryan Barber
Ryan Barber


Ryan Barber from the H5P Core Team will introduce exciting new additions for H5P!


Ryan BarberRyan Barber

11:00-11:30Room 1
Morning tea break


Spend quality time with other community members, and enjoy coffee and tea with fruits and snacks.

Parallel sessions
11:30-12:10Room 2Creative builder lab
Personalize Interactive Videos with Learning Paths Dr. Amos Glenn
Dr. Amos Glenn


How can instructional videos better adapt to the viewer’s interest? In learning, motivation is key. Instructional videos are engaging and video tutorials are some of the best means of training, but as soon as the video moves into territory that doesn’t interest the viewer, the likelihood of completing the video drops. Viewers use fast-forward or jump to random points in the video attempting to find the right content. Videos are sometimes split into smaller and smaller microlearning videos to target interests, but that requires the viewer to successfully navigate from video to video—which each click decreasing the likelihood of continuing. The information a viewer is seeking my also change in real-time as the viewer learns new information through the video itself.
H5P can use Interactive Videos to gather information from the viewer and then direct the viewer to the content that interests them the most at that moment. An example of a simple video tutorial is presented that uses an adaptive learning cycle of presenting information to the viewer, getting input from the viewer, and presenting the video segment that best suits the learner’s current interest. This cycle can be repeated to create adaptive learning paths through longer instructional videos that keep the learner’s interest by providing the right information and the right time. Attendees will see the steps used in creating this interactive video including creating the media with interaction in mind, using H5P’s Interactive Video content type to gather information from the viewer in real-time through buttons and questions, and finally moving the viewer to predetermined timestamps based on viewer input.


Dr. Amos GlennDr. Amos Glenn

Instructional Designer - University of Pittsburgh


Simulations and games have proven to be one of the top three most effective digital learning strategies for adult learners over the past decade (Davis et al., 2018). Discover how a small college in northern Ontario is empowering faculty and students to “learn before doing” through simulations using H5P technology. Learn how an Instructional Designer, Multimedia Specialist, and Graphic Design Student partnered with faculty from the Dental Hygiene Program to design a simulated walking tour of the Dental Reprocessing Lab. Students are led through the lab to learn step-by-step how to process and sterilize dental equipment so that it is safe to use on future patients. With a 360 camera, a smartphone, and H5P Virtual Tour (360), the team quickly and easily created an engaging and educational experience for students to gain knowledge and understanding of the lab equipment and process before physically entering the lab space. Join us to learn more about our process of designing the simulation, student feedback about the experience, and how participants could use this technology in their own areas of work.

Reference: Davis, D., Chen, G., Hauff, C., & Houben, G. (2018). Activating learning at scale: A review of innovations on online learning strategies. Computers & Education, 125, 327-344.


Sarah WendorfSarah Wendorf

Instructional Designer - Cambrian College

Jeffery TranchemontagneJeffery Tranchemontagne

Cambrian College

Parallel sessions
12:20-13:00Room 1Creative builder lab
PowerPoint to H5P without the copy-paste drudgery Mr Martin Brown
Mr Martin Brown


Educators have been using Powerpoint to plan, prepare and present learning for decades. So, when a tool like H5P comes along, educators may well start thinking about how they can transform their PowerPoint presentations into interactive content using H5P.

The natural choice for converting PowerPoint to H5P is by using Course Presentation, but it isn’t necessarily the best choice. For starters, the transformation process involves a lot of copying and pasting before you even get to designing any interactivity.

Everyone knows that educators are time-poor, so is there a more efficient method of livening up your PowerPoints by converting them to H5P? I believe there is, and in this hands-on session, I’ll show you how.

By using PowerPoint’s ‘Export’ feature and choosing the correct settings, I’ll demonstrate how to create a video of a PowerPoint presentation that is ready for upload to an H5P Interactive Video. Then, I’ll show and discuss how to add suitable interactive elements to produce an engaging self-directed learning object.

Finally, I’ll point out some things you might want to adjust in the source PowerPoint presentation before exporting to improve the conversion process and the resultant H5P Interactive Video. We’ll also discuss some of the limitations and things to consider before deciding to convert a PowerPoint presentation to H5P.

Feel free to bring your laptop and a PowerPoint presentation and follow along as we convert it to H5P during the session.


Mr Martin BrownMr Martin Brown

Project Coordinator - AMES Australia

12:20-13:00Room 2Teaching
A new canvas for teaching and learning with H5P Dr Rachelle Singleton
Dr Rachelle Singleton


Student demographics suggest performance in our university courses is impacted by students’ work commitments and long distance commutes. Teaching staff have limited time during the teaching semester to grade assignments and provide individualised feedback to students. We set out to make our pathology teaching more engaging and accessible for students, whilst not increasing teaching load.

We did this using H5P which enabled us to easily create richer HTML5 content within our learning management system - canvas. A variety of interactive digital activities were developed to replace existing written content and assessments. These built on and assessed students’ knowledge prior to and during class e.g. microscopic analysis of histopathology slides and 3D macroscopic specimens with identification of regions of interest (hotspots; roll-over information; animation) and quiz questions in a wide variety of differing formats; fill in the blanks, image and text-based drag and drop, mark the word, and interactive video. We also developed assessed tasks that promoted student engagement with and understanding of the wider scientific literature (peer reviewed journal articles).

Seamless integration of these activities with canvas gradebook provided learners with automatic feedback that was more comprehensive and consistent than previously. Student engagement and achievement was easily tracked for both formative and assessed activities. Assessment results and analytics have informed teachers how to more effectively use their contact teaching time. The new activities have also reduced marking load at peak times during the semester. H5P interfaced with canvas has provided staff with greater flexibility for teaching and encouraged greater learner participation. It has ensured content is more accessible to students outside the classroom, potentially circumventing known barriers to learning related to distance, time and preference.


Dr Rachelle SingletonDr Rachelle Singleton

Professional Teaching Fellow - University of Auckland


This presentation will report on the use of H5P for two purposes in a US higher ed Spanish course. First, students in two sections of a first-semester Spanish course were offered extra-credit toward their final course grade for creating useful H5P activities, shared with all students. This collaborative dimension allowed students to learn the course content more fully, and to establish a learning community of greater solidarity. Examples of the created activities will be shown, and results of a survey of student attitudes will be shared. Both are promising. Second, H5P was also used to create Integrated Performance Assessments in place of traditional exams. These were made, administered and graded in Moodle. The pedagogical fit and reception by students was positive. The assessments will be shared. It is noteworthy that one of the course sections was face-to-face, the other distance ed, yet both saw similar results in each of the two H5P usage areas reported here.


Professor Jeff RuthProfessor Jeff Ruth

Professor of spanish - East Stroudsburg University



The conference venue is located in an area with a rich selection of lunch restaurants. We encourage participants to join other community members and try out the local offerings. Recommendations will be provided in the tote bag.

Parallel sessions
14:00-15:30Room 1Creative builder lab
Engage and Educate: Digital Escape Rooms Ms. Tina Swanton+ 1 more
Ms. Tina Swanton


Escape rooms have become a hot trend over the last few years for groups of people to collaboratively discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks related to a specific goal. The use of escape rooms in education has also grown over the last few years. The idea of escape rooms in education naturally led to the design of creative learning activities in a “digital” escape room. H5P and the Canvas Learning Management System are the perfect compliment to each other and engage learners of all ages in an environment filled with gamification and higher-order thinking skills. And even better, learners love it!
Workshop participants will first experience a digital escape room and then learn how to create their very own. Using Canvas LMS modules and H5P’s dialog cards, drag and drops, hot spots (and more!) participants will create a wide variety of interactions. Come with an open mind and leave with a template for creating digital escape rooms and tons of ideas on how you can design and develop a user-friendly experience that will have your learners wanting more.


Ms. Tina SwantonMs. Tina Swanton

Digital Content Manager and Instructional Designer - Athlos

Ms. Rachel LeeMs. Rachel Lee

Principal Consultant - Instructure/Canvas

Parallel sessions
14:00-14:40Room 2Teaching
Benefits of lecturing Spanish with H5P Dr Elena Alonso Mira+ 1 more
Dr Elena Alonso Mira


Online students’ number are increasing and the need to offer them a fulfilling, effective and engaging learning experience is imperative. Lecture recordings are not always ideal, they tend to have a negative impact on students' engagement and attendance, particularly in language classes. Face-to-face lectures that are interactive, promote inductive learning, allow opportunity for discussions and test students’ knowledge in a formative environment are crucial to the student learning experience. However, the issue that arise in language teaching is the disadvantage experience for the online student who is not in a face-to-face classroom becomes highly disengaging since they do not have the same opportunities to participate, think and interact. The implementation of H5P interactive objects, particularly the use of the interactive video tool has proven to be a good solution to teach Spanish at Deakin University. We have trialled the use of H5P in one of our classes and based on initial observations and feedback, it appears like more students are watching lectures and completing the interactions before attending the seminars. Consequently, we believe they are more prepared and feel more confident to practice their speaking during the seminars/language labs. Furthermore, the use of the webcam, in addition to the possibility to add subtitles to H5P videos, has offered the opportunity for the lecturer to increase the time he/she speaks in the target language and we anticipate that, consequently, this has also helped students improve their aural skills. We are awaiting the end of the trimester to attain student feedback, but according to the data we have been able to collect thus far, we believe our hypothesis will be supported.


Dr Elena Alonso MiraDr Elena Alonso Mira

Associate Lecturer in Spanish - Deakin University

Karine CosgroveKarine Cosgrove

Deakin University

14:00-14:40Room 3Teaching
Augmenting h5p to create a Learning Dialogue Ms Ajita Deshmukh+ 1 more
Ms Ajita Deshmukh


Online courses including MOOCs though are revolutionizing the education, face criticism of being passive and lack of interaction. The major component of the online courses are videos, sometimes even of duration extended to 1 hour which is reported to be not helpful in online learning. Learner-centric- MOOC model is one of the models that attempts to bring in interaction among peers as well as the facilitator and activity in online course (Murthy, S., et al, 2018). A major component of this model is the learning dialogue (LeD) that has a reflection spot to ensure engagement between the learner and the instructor, thereby converting a typical learning monologue video to a Learning Dialogue! H5P is a tool that can facilitate the application of this strategy.
The LCM model provides guidelines and suggestions to : a) identify a reflection spot b) design a reflection spot question, and c) create summary after the reflection spot.
In some of the online courses facilitated by us, including 'Creation by Curation', we used h5p for creating LeDs. The variety offered by H5P provided the much needed variety to make the LeD engaging. It was reported that the h5p activities kept them interested and 'hooked on' to the activities in the course. The participants informed the instructors that this kept the excitement quotient high. The motivation towards the h5p activities was found to be instrumental in retaining the participants in the course. The participants described the drag and drop activity as the most enjoyable activity. The participants disclosed the non-necessity of special technical know-how for solving H5P activities relieved them of burden. Nevertheless, the participants indicated that more simple games, crosswords in h5p would offer more variety to enhance their engagement and learning. Immersive activities further developments would be useful in widespread adoption of h5p across disciplines.


Ms Ajita DeshmukhMs Ajita Deshmukh

Assistant professor - MIT-ADT University, Pune, India

Dr. Sameer SahasrabudheDr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe

Sr. Research Scientist, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Parallel sessions
14:50-15:30Room 2Teaching
H5P and HOOU - An interesting couple Dipl. Ing. Jakob Kopczynski
Dipl. Ing. Jakob Kopczynski


The Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) is an initiative by the first mayor of the city of Hamburg and all Hamburg state universities together with our universities multimedia service office and the Hamburg authority for education. It develops innovative, cooperative digital learning arrangements which will be open to a broad audience. Over the past 4 years a varity of Open Educational Resources has been created and went online. One very effective and strong tool and partner can be found throughout a lot of learning and teaching material: H5P! In this presentation the audience will learn how H5P content has been used flexibely in different disciplines in higher education, whether the underlying learning resource is dealing with aircraft design, intercultural business communication or gender studies. Experiences will be shared and discussed, so that the audience will get a deeper view inside the live of a growing relationship between H5P and HOOU.


Dipl. Ing. Jakob KopczynskiDipl. Ing. Jakob Kopczynski

Media Educator and Media Producer - Hamburg Open Online University / University of Applied Sciences Hamburg

14:50-15:30Room 3Teaching
Real-Life Language Learning in H5P: Scenarios and Authentic Materials Assistant Professor Shannon Spasova
Assistant Professor Shannon Spasova


Language teachers have long recognized the value of authentic materials in teaching. The Internet has enabled the use of many more authentic materials, including newspapers, songs, and films. Even more valuable are authentic experiences. This session will show how H5P can successfully scaffold and contextualize authentic materials and experiences, using the Interactive Video, Branching Scenario, and Course Presentation activity types.H5P can provide the scaffolding needed to help learners successfully interpret authentic, culturally-rich materials that might not be comprehensible otherwise, like a Russian sitcom. The presentation will show examples from this series of lessons.Experiential learning boosts retention, and authentic experiences offer students the ability to practice pragmatic skills in a safe environment prior to performing them while on study abroad, as well as giving them connections to skills that they might use in a social or professional situation in Russia. Lessons that prepare students for concrete situations that they will experience on study abroad will be showcased, including simulations for completing everyday tasks like using public transportation and shopping.Another series of task-based assignments that intend to synthesize vocabulary and grammar in a context that mimics work-related situations will further demonstrate how H5P can help students to experience real-life contexts, giving them a sense of mastery. These include organizing a fictional conference and working in a fictional store.H5P enables instructors to recreate some of the most challenging situations for language learners: authentic listening and pragmatics. Experiencing these with the proper scaffolding allows learners to prepare more effectively to be in the target culture, and early success in these real-life encounters will encourage learners to take the linguistic risks necessary to make real progress. Further, when beginners can imagine themselves being successful using the language in a real-life and meaningful context, they are more motivated to learn the language.


Assistant Professor Shannon SpasovaAssistant Professor Shannon Spasova

Michigan State University

15:30-16:00Room 1
Afternoon tea break


Spend quality time with other community members, and enjoy coffee and tea with fruits and snacks.

Parallel sessions
16:00-16:40Room 1Integration
How to keep H5P robust, scalable and user friendly? Mr. Johannes Leiknes Nag
Mr. Johannes Leiknes Nag


NDLA is committed to participating to further develop the H5P project. The last years we have funded the development of VR 360, general support for translation and improved licence declaration for H5Ps. In addition we have actively suggested improvements of usability in design and navigation of H5Ps to adhere to stronger legal requirements in Norway.

We want to focus on the importance of working on these core aspects of H5P as a system. As the number of content types increases the need for standards and coherence within the H5P environment will only increase.

NDLA has several years of experience from producing, sharing and maintaining a large repository of content items. We offer our Chief Production Officer, Johannes Leiknes Nag to give a presentation of our policies and workflow regarding H5P integration in NDLA’s production system as well as invite to reflection and discussion of relevant issues such as global standards in H5P in areas of usability, licensing and lti/xAPI. Johannes Leiknes Nag has played a central part in devolping H5P integration in NDLA for several years.


Mr. Johannes Leiknes NagMr. Johannes Leiknes Nag

Chief Production Officer, NDLA

16:00-16:40Room 2Research
PD with H5P Ms. Alison Black+ 2 more
Ms. Alison Black


Keypath Education is in the business of online program management (OPM). Operating in the US, UK, and Australia, we provide an end-to-end suite of services designed to help universities launch new programs and reach new students online. Our Australian business has 8 university partners, including RMIT University. Working with RMIT Online, we currently offer over 100 postgraduate courses in a variety of disciplines.

One of the key challenges faced by our Learning Design team is preparing academics for the intensive collaboration necessary for development of online courses. We work with a diverse range of academics, many of whom are new to online learning, so there is a significant academic development component to the role of learning designer. How do we quickly and easily develop a shared vision for a high-quality online learning experience?

Partnering with RMITO, we are developing a professional development module for our academics using Canvas and H5P. The module aims to familiarise academics with the process of a developing a fully online course by immersing them in one, providing a view into the actual student perspective of learning in a fully online environment using a range of H5P features. The module is designed to be a preparatory course as well as a companion toolkit providing practical support for academics and learning designers alike throughout the development process. The module is also designed to be diagnostic, allowing learning designers to assess actual academic needs, including their attitudes and approaches to teaching and learning, and their readiness, willingness and preparedness for engaging in the development process.

This presentation will provide a demonstration of the ‘PD in H5P’ module, report on preliminary feedback from both academics and learning designers and inspire attendees to create and implement their own toolkits to support learning design and course development practice.


Ms. Alison BlackMs. Alison Black

Learning Designer - Keypath Education

Lin Du-LazzaraLin Du-Lazzara

RMIT Online

Craig WattamCraig Wattam

Keypath Education

16:00-16:40Room 3Teaching
World Language Instruction & H5P Jon Fila
Jon Fila


In order to move away from existing vendor materials for many reasons, we wanted to create an interactive course that we can own and maintain ourselves and ultimately, make available to the OER community. This session will be about how we used H5P to leverage the power of OER, our own development and Moodle to offer a complete course that meets the needs of our learners and instructors.

I. Why World Languages
A. Moving away from vendor Materials
B. Open Educational Resources efforts in 287
II. Creating an Interactive Student Experience
A. LMS Integration
B. Leveraging H5P to enhance interactivity
III. Results
IV. Moving Forward


Jon FilaJon Fila

Curriculum Coordinator - Intermediate District 287

Wrap up


We wrap up the day and provide informaton on any planned evening activities

08:15-09:00Entrance hall
Registration & Coffee


Get ready for day 2 of the H5P Conference 2020!

09:00-09:45Room 1
Keynote Michael Sturmey
Michael Sturmey




Michael SturmeyMichael Sturmey

Associate Director, Digital Environments, Victoria University

10:00-10:30Room 1
Day two surprise


Launching new exciting features for H5P!

10:30-11:00Room 1
Customizing H5P Frode Petterson
Frode Petterson


The H5P Lead Developer himself will go through the wide range of ways H5P may be customized on the major platforms we support. He’ll demonstrate how to customize things like look and feel and reporting.


Frode PettersonFrode Petterson

Frode Petterson is the Lead Developer of the H5P Core Team

11:00-11:30Room 1
Morning tea break


Spend quality time with other community members, and enjoy coffee and tea with fruits and snacks.

Parallel sessions
11:30-12:10Room 1Creative builder lab
Teaching Controversial Issues: An Interactive Video Showcase with Harvard Fellow Nate Otey Harvard Fellow Nate Otey
Harvard Fellow Nate Otey


Harvard Fellow Nate Otey will demonstrate how he uses H5P interactive videos to teach argument mapping, which is a simple, research-backed method of helping people talk about controversial issues and build critical thinking skills.

After a brief introduction to argument mapping, Nate will teach you how to use a backwards-design process to create clean, effective learning experiences with interactive videos. Storyboard the entire experience beforehand, including learning targets and the structure of the interactive exercises, so that you can carefully plan your videos with appropriate verbal instructions and pauses. Break down complex skills into micro-skills and create appropriate exercises that target these skills with well-designed "reps." Nate will demonstrate how to create formative assessments (and opportunities for deliberate practice generally) by making use of H5P's feedback mechanisms for exercise types such as drag-and-drop, multiple choice, mark the words, and more.


Harvard Fellow Nate OteyHarvard Fellow Nate Otey

Fellow, Harvard Department of Philosophy and Lead Instructor ThinkerAnalytix

11:30-12:10Room 2Research
Implementation of a Peer Assessment Content Type B.Sc. Christoph Hellmich+ 3 more
B.Sc. Christoph Hellmich


H5P offers many possibilities to check the knowledge of the learners and to evaluate their solutions automatically. However, an automated evaluation quickly reaches its limits with complex tasks. A manual evaluation by the tutors would be possible in these cases, but is practically impossible with a large number of learners.

Peer assessments offer a universal method of evaluating complex tasks. The evaluation of peer assessments is not automated or performed by a tutor, but by the learners themselves. First, learners work independently on a task, such as an essay. Then they evaluate the solutions of the other learners and receive an evaluation of their solution.

This talk will introduce the basics of peer assessments. The focus of the talk will then be on the discussion of the challenges that have arisen during the technical implementation of the H5P Peer Assessment content type. There will be two main topics.

One topic deals with the exchange of solutions and feedback between learners. The learners must have access to the solutions of other learners, but simultaneously they should retain the data authority over their solutions, for example they can revoke the sharing at any time.

The other topic deals with the notification of learners. In the context in which the developed peer assessment content type is used, the learner's work is not synchronized. The presentation shows how learners can be informed about status changes, e.g. if their solution has been assessed by someone, even if they are not working on an H5P content type.

Finally, limitations and improvement suggestions of the implementation, as well as experiences made during the development of the H5P content type are presented.


B.Sc. Christoph HellmichB.Sc. Christoph Hellmich

Web Developer - Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)

Martin SteberMartin Steber

Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)

Sonja KlanteSonja Klante

Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)

Annika Clorius-LehmannAnnika Clorius-Lehmann

Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)


In this session, we will share our experiences with publishing the first digital edition of Português para principiantes (, a free and openly-licensed textbook for anyone interested in learning Brazilian Portuguese. Creating this project involved digitizing a print text (the first edition of which was published at the University of Wisconsin-Madison more than 50 years ago), and then adding a series of enhancements to turn a legacy print textbook into a modern digital learning tool. For example, we incorporated more than a thousand audio files recorded by native speakers as well as hundreds of interactive self-check (formative assessment) activities built with H5P to allow both learners and instructors to get real-time feedback on student comprehension. Since its initial publication as an open textbook in September 2016, this book has been used by hundreds of students in four distinct courses at UW-Madison, has provided the curriculum for the Summer Intensive Portuguese Institute (SIPI), and has been adopted at Cornell University, by continuing education courses at the UW-Madison’s Division of Continuing Studies, and at several other institutions. H5P has allowed us to better align our pedagogical approach to what we know works best when learners are acquiring a new language, and has allowed instructors to focus more of their in-class time on higher-order learning activities. The use of repeated formative assessment and targeted practice has also been instrumental in allowing us to develop better blended and distance approaches to teaching Portuguese: for example, this past summer we were able to enroll a distance student in SIPI for the first time ever. H5P activities have been crucial to allowing us to build the kind of engaging, accessible, online learning materials that we needed to expand our distance language education program.


Mr. Jared HendricksonMr. Jared Hendrickson

Visiting Assistant Instructor of Portuguese - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ellen SapegaEllen Sapega

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Steel WagstaffSteel Wagstaff


Parallel sessions


Learning and mastering the subject specific language, i.e. the jargon, of mathematics and natural sciences is a ubiquitous problem for science education that consistently arises in all education sectors. Most pupils and students experience the special language in science as challenging, due to the specific concepts, typical collocations and the specific grammatical structures that distinguishes the technical communication as very different from everyday communication (Rincke 2010). Therefore, the intentional training of the subject specific language has become an integral part of school lessons (LISUM 2013).For international students who prepare for or have begun a STEM study program in Germany, there is, however, no institutional provision for studying the subject specific language, so that international STEM-students often lack the competence to follow science lectures.For these issues, the project “Instructional Video 2.0 – STEM-international innovative” aims to develop interactive training material, based on h5p, for a time- and place-independent, autonomous study of the subject matters and the subject specific language for learners with different mother tongues and with heterogeneous knowledge levels. The project team consists of experts for didactics of mathematics and media, multimedia learning and German-as-a-Foreign-Language-Teaching. It has conceptualized the instructional videos “all-in-one-for-everyone” according to research-based guidelines for the design of instructions (Wittwer & Renkl 2008). Moreover, the conceptualization is guided by research-based principles of multimedia learning (Mayer 2009).In our talk, we will first present the deployment of h5p content types for the realization of an internally differentiated 4-part-structured interactive video with 1. a pre-training, 2. a “How-To-“-video-tutorial, 3. excercises, and 4. videoclips with conceptual explanations by the professor. This is followed by an overview of our partly creative solutions for the implementation of reading, writing, hearing and speaking exercises within the choice of content types within interactive h5p video.


Prof. Dr. Mike AltieriProf. Dr. Mike Altieri

Professor - Hochschule Ruhr West

Christiane OpfermannChristiane Opfermann


12:20-13:00Room 2Integration
Empowering Faculty: Training and Support of H5P at a Large University Arlene Mendoza-Moran
Arlene Mendoza-Moran


What does training and support of H5P look like at a large public university? Two years after installation of the H5P Plugin for Moodle, North Carolina State University has seen enthusiastic adoption by faculty looking to integrate interactive media seamlessly into their courses. Availability of H5P in Moodle has opened up a whole new world of interactive content delivery and student engagement opportunities, prompting the need for training and support for faculty to best utilize this powerful new creative feature. From hands-on workshops to technical documentation and tutorials, faculty have a range of support resources to help them effectively use H5P interactive content in their courses. This session will provide a brief description of the rollout process and discuss the resources created to support faculty in their use of H5P, followed by a discussion about issues and best practices for content creation, training and support, and maintenance of H5P at a self-hosted Moodle institution.


Arlene Mendoza-MoranArlene Mendoza-Moran

Instructional Technologist - North Carolina State University

Room 3Ignite
Turbocharging Online Learning with 100% H5P Ms Tran Nguyen
Ms Tran Nguyen


James Cook University in partnership with Keypath Education Australia have developed a 100% online Bachelor of Education program built entirely in H5P and delivered through Blackboard Ultra. The first subject of which went live in August 2019 with great excitement.

It was the first 100% online undergraduate program developed by the university and for most of the teaching and academic staff the first time they had worked in H5P. With that in mind, our development approach was the creation of a toolkit that not only empowers novice-users of H5P and Ultra but also ensures consistency in design and narrative. As the toolkit relieves time that would otherwise be spent on technical and web design elements, academics and learning designers were able to focus more of their time on what they do best - developing meaningful and interactive learning experiences.

The components of the toolkit include:
• A shell: a practical starting point
• Snippets: pre-developed elements of a page from core components to special interactives
• Guidance: adaptable for different purposes including training new staff or inspiring third parties contracted in to support the development project
• Static and dynamic best-practice resources: sources of inspiration exemplifying the diversity of approaches using the same base H5Ps.

There are no pre-requisites (except for the ability to copy and paste!) for this presentation as we developed the toolkit to empower novice H5P users. Attendees will be inspired to create and implement their own toolkits to improve the online learning development experience in their own institutions.


Ms Tran NguyenMs Tran Nguyen

Learning Designer - Keypath Education Australia

But I don't know how to code! Mr. Oliver Tacke
Mr. Oliver Tacke


H5P is an open source software project. What does that mean actually? You can have a look at the source code, you are allowed to modify it to better suit your needs, and you can even add more things such as new content types and share them with the world. Do I hear a "But I don't know how to code!"

Contributing to open source software in general - and to the H5P project in particular - is about more than just programming! There are lots of things that you can do to help H5P thrive, even if you do not know how to code. Let's talk about that!


Mr. Oliver TackeMr. Oliver Tacke

IT freelancer and prolific H5P contributor



The conference venue is located in an area with a rich selection of lunch restaurants. We encourage participants to join other community members and try out the local offerings. Recommendations will be provided in the tote bag.

Parallel sessions
14:00-15:30Room 1Creative builder lab
Increase Student Learning Purposefully- Starting with the Why Karin Pfister
Karin Pfister


H5P allows us to create interactive content with bells and whistles like educators have never been able to do before without considerable training. But are our students achieving better learning outcomes than they would be with more traditional approaches?

In this hands on workshop we will be building resources together that start with the "why"- as in, tailored to a specific learning outcome(s) and not just built because they are "interactive". Bring your learning outcomes with you along with any resources you'd like to draw upon for your creation(s). We will look at examples of how several tools meet these learning outcomes, including Interactive Videos, Drag and Drops, unique uses of the Documentation Tool and Personality Quiz, as well as discussing important learning design considerations when building Course Presentations.

You will be guided in choosing the best H5P tool to achieve your purposes and then begin creating your interactive resource. You will have access to hands-on support as well as learning some tips and tricks to speed up your creation processes.

Karin has created hundreds of H5P resources for Charles Darwin University in Australia and will lend her expertise to assist you as you create your interactive content during this workshop.


Karin PfisterKarin Pfister

Learning Designer - Charles Darwin University

Parallel sessions


The task of content delivery to university students is one that requires not only the understanding of cognitive psychology but also the increasing use of modern technology. At Deakin University we are using H5P to produced a series of online interactive multimedia tutorials (modules) based on a flipped classroom model designed around the principles of cognitive learning and the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK) learning channels, whilst optimising information alignment. These modules incorporate regular retention tests and formative feedback to continuously assess and enhance the students’ growing knowledge and long-term memory formation.


Dr Garth StephensonDr Garth Stephenson

Academic/ Researcher - Deakin University


Every student wants to have an interactive content to learn things at school. Moreover, they always expect teachers to give or create such content. With all possibilities that they have, they are very passive. We think that such problem starts at school, where we do not give our pupils enough possibilities to create useful materials, so to feel responsible for the creation.
Two years ago, we started a school science project for the school science competition: "The concept of beauty in Chinese, German, French and Russian culture and language". The main aim was create a course based on this research. Pupils of 7-8th grades (13-14 years old) using H5P resources made this project all by themselves. At the beginning for pupils it was just a project to compete in the competition, but after they create a whole course in different languages, presented it in front of their classmates, got feedback, they felt so responsible for it, that when they did not won the first place in the competition, they have not stopped. They asked to find another competition; they spent another year updating and creating new materials, and finally won in the international competition.
Our students live in the world where you have to learn how to present your work, and presenting is often more important than your work, especially during competitions. We tried several resources, but only H5P gave us a stable solution to solve not only IT problems, but more importantly - social problems (our pupils where claimed as "bookworms" and traditionalists, that don't understand modern cool things) and psychological problems (like self-esteem, creativity, responsibility etc).
This coming school year several groups of pupils (age 14-16) will make most Chinese language lesson materials for class by themselves using H5P resources, and teachers will investigate how it wil change pupils results.


Ms Alena PavlovaMs Alena Pavlova

Assistant professor - MyChineseClub, Secondary boarding school for girls

Parallel sessions
14:50-15:30Room 2Creative builder lab
Introduction of a New Content Type for Accounting: the Journal Item Mr Renaat De Muynck
Mr Renaat De Muynck


At Artevelde University College we’ve long had a quizzes tool with a journal entry question type. With the introduction of H5P in our institution the need arose to have a similar content type for the H5P ecosystem, so we decided to develop it ourselves. It was an ideal opportunity to dive into the code of H5P. With this new content type, students will be able to test their skills in accounting. They can create journal entries and then check which lines are correct or incorrect. Teachers can create exercises with various degrees of complexity. They can choose from a list of standard chart of accounts from various countries or add their own. This makes it a very flexible content type. We're looking forward to sharing our content type with the H5P community.


Mr Renaat De MuynckMr Renaat De Muynck

Staff member at the Office of Educational Development and Internationalization - Artevelde University College Ghent

Room 3Ignite


Using authentic materials for world language instruction has been advocated in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Meanwhile, ACTFL position statement also highlights that technology is strongly recommended for language educator to support students’ learning. Authentic materials provide resources for students to immerse in the real world discourse in the target language and technology plays a role in bridge these engagements in classroom settings while offering authentic assessments or tasks is constrained for educators.

This case study demonstrates how a Chinese teacher adopts authentic materials to create authentic classroom activities to enrich students’ cultural experience and enhance proficiency in a classroom with students whose proficiency level is intermediate-low. Several applications are used based on learning objectives and the features of the Chinese language. The instructor designs several applications and presented in the class for different educational purposes. The application of the Interactive video is incorporated with authentic videos to introduce contemporary Chinese language spoken by key opinion leaders (KOL), such as YouTubers to provide opportunities for students having a taste of modern Chinese young culture. The application of the memory game is particularly effective for character recognization without overwhelming. The application of the summary creates a risk-free mode for authentic listening comprehension activity since students can be toward the correct answers by keywords or short phrases. Last, the application of the virtual tour is used for projects of storytelling to evaluate students’ presentational proficiency.

To sum up, the notion of design thinking should be embedded in language pedagogy. H5P provides a variety of applications for language educators to design authentic tasks as games, multimedia, questions, and social media. Authentic tasks help students use the target language to solve real-world problems and become world-readiness citizens.


Dr Elu (I Ju) TuDr Elu (I Ju) Tu

Assistant Professor and Language Lab Director - Southern Connecticut State University

How to engage students using H5P to scaffold content for flipped learning Lauren B Rosen Yeazel+ 1 more
Lauren B Rosen YeazelNatalia Roberts


Many educators are flipping their lessons. Research indicates that this pedagogical approach is only successful when the student and the instructor become aware of what students do and don’t know during independent learning. With a series of connected H5P activities the instructor and the student identify misconceptions in preparation for contextualized use of the target language. Students are better able to demonstrate and build on their knowledge in pair and group synchronous activities. Presenters will share examples in Russian of the framework and variety of activities used in courses shared across UW institutions, that guide student learning through an interactive online lesson..


Lauren B Rosen YeazelLauren B Rosen Yeazel

Program Director - The University of Wisconsin System

Natalia RobertsNatalia Roberts

Senior Lecturer of Global Cultures and Languages - The University of Wisconsin System

15:30-16:00Room 1
Afternoon tea break


Spend quality time with other community members, and enjoy coffee and tea with fruits and snacks.

Parallel sessions
16:00-16:40Room 1Teaching
Revolutionizing the Classroom Lecture Mr Stuart Vanorny+ 1 more
Mr Stuart Vanorny


At Career and Technical Education (CTE) colleges, students truly enjoy being out in the lab working on real-world, hands-on tasks. After all, that’s why many of these students decided to attend a CTE school. However, these same students often loathe being in a classroom lecture.

For many of these students (and instructors!), lectures are viewed as a necessary evil. The students need to learn the concepts and methodology behind the hands-on tasks, but often the instructors lecture over bullet points, hackneyed stock photos, and an over-abundance of text. This is the epitome of “Death by PowerPoint.”

Enter H5P. Using a combination of H5P and Nearpod, an interactive engagement platform, find out how one college engaged and connected students and instructors through active learning strategies and, in the process, forever changed the classroom lecture.


Mr Stuart VanornyMr Stuart Vanorny

Instructional Design & Academic Technology Consultant

Mr Daniel KlostermanMr Daniel Klosterman

Instructional Design & Academic Technology Consultant

16:00-16:40Room 2Teaching
H5P and the smarthphone advantage Sr Aroldo David Noriega
Sr Aroldo David Noriega


ISEA - Guatemala, one of the largest Guatemalan adult schools has been using H5P almost since it´s first releases. Today we have produced hundreds of learning objects for elementary and secondary students. Guatemala is one of the most impoverished countries in the world; there are more than 3 million people under 24 years age who haven´t finished elementary or high school; nevertheless there is an advantage, in a country with 15 million inhabitants there are 22 million telephone lines! About 60% sixty per cent of those lines are smarthphones. ISEA -Guatemala has been using that advantage to send H5P modules where students can get learning content that will adjust to any screen. I intend to show what is being done to help this people.


Sr Aroldo David NoriegaSr Aroldo David Noriega



Numerous attempts, across various studies and institutions, at distilling analytics from learning platforms have demonstrated how little data integration there has been between such systems. The world has moved towards big data, activity streams and tracking what people do. And yet, learning systems have not been able to provide the rich data needed to assess what learners and teachers actually do.

Our projects have been exploring the use of the LRS, xAPI and H5P widgets to tackle some of these integration challenges. We have incorporated xAPI into several platforms that we run: OpenLabyrinth, WordPress, OLab4, Moodle and Drupal. H5P widgets and their portability have assisted us with integration of learning designs. But many challenges remain with context identifiers and other metadata that would facilitate the integration of analytics across multiple platforms.


Professor David ToppsProfessor David Topps

Medical Director of Office of Health & Medical Education Scholarship - University of Calgary

Corey WirunCorey Wirun

University of Calgary

Wrap up


We wrap up the day and provide informaton on any planned evening activities

08:15-09:00Entrance hall
Registration & Coffee


Get ready for day 3 of the H5P Conference 2020!

09:00-09:45Room 1
Keynote: The Future of Interactive Content Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)
Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)


The litle development team in Tromsø got laughed at in the beginning. Trying to establish a new format and change the world of interactive content was ambitious. There is still a long way to go, but H5P already has hundreds of millions of users. What happens next?


Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)Svein-Tore Griff With (aká falcon, The H5P Core Team)

10:00-10:30Room 1
Day three surprise Pål Jørgensen+ 1 more
Pål JørgensenFrode Petterson


Pål and Frode from the H5P Core Team will introduce exciting new additions for H5P!


Pål JørgensenPål Jørgensen

Frode PettersonFrode Petterson

10:30-11:00Room 1
Voting session Svein-Tore Griff With (falcon)+ 1 more
Svein-Tore Griff With (falcon)Ryan Barber (j-script)


Svein-Tore and Ryan from the H5P Core Team will facilitate a voting session where we get to vote for new H5P features.


Svein-Tore Griff With (falcon)Svein-Tore Griff With (falcon)

Ryan Barber (j-script)Ryan Barber (j-script)

11:00-11:30Room 1
Morning tea break


Spend quality time with other community members, and enjoy coffee and tea with fruits and snacks.

Parallel sessions


The young generation is going to change the world.
The have to, in order for all of us to safe our planet and to reach the ambitious plan written in the UN 17 sustainable development goals.
By 2030 we have to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles and global citizenship.
Learning about the SDGs in schools in Denmark the students are using H5P. The students are designing and creating tools that will engage others to make the changes necessary.
In this session you will meet the creator of Open Educational Resources for UNICEF Denmark and see how UNICEF with the educational resources called “Young people are changing the world” ( encourage young people to become actors of change in order to reach the goals by 2030. Using different H5P content types the students are making websites, educational resources, chatbots etc, in order to have there saying in how the want to world to be like now and in the future, and to come up with solutions on some of the challenges seen in their lives and in the world.
UNICEFs project takes action in Rwanda Africa and in Denmark.
The project are funded by Danida - The development cooperation in Denmark, an area of activity under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.


Ms Rikke Falkenberg KofoedMs Rikke Falkenberg Kofoed

Creative director - Leg Med IT (Play with IT -Creative learning)

11:30-12:10Room 2Creative builder lab
Creating language learning resources in H5P Ole Fossgård+ 1 more
Ole FossgårdJohannes Leiknes Nag


Creating language learning resources in H5P
Chinese resources are popular at We offer more than 5000 resources for upper secondary level, with H5P as the preferred toolbox. We have systematically capitalized on the media rich and interactive environment H5P offers in creating stimulating and challenging activities. Our subject editor has been using a wide variety of content types and produces a lot of authentic audio and video material for use in H5Ps. H5P has proven itself to be especially suitable for language learning, facilitating step-by-step learning, while giving room for explorative learning. H5P has given NDLA the means to create high quality, versatile language learning resources.

We have received appreciation and requests for cooperation from several providers of language resources in Chinese. NDLA wants to be a team player in a global drive to develop language tools within the H5P framework. We offer pilot schools for testing purposes and want to cofinance development of H5P content types with other providers of language learning resources. H5Pcon is an opportunity for us to share our experiences and build a network.

We offer our Subject Editor, Ole Fossgård, to present our work relating to H5P in the subject Chinese. He has developed the subject from start and is also an experienced presenter at international conferences.

Currently we are developing h5p content types with a third party provider. This project is closely monitored by Joubel to ensure that we produce within the lines of requirement set by Joubel. These content types focus on reflection and argumentation. We belive these content types will add to the diversity of tools for providers of language learning resources as well as create more activity on the part of the learners as reflection and reasoning are encouraged in these content types.


Ole FossgårdOle Fossgård

Subject Editor of Chinese - NDLA

Johannes Leiknes NagJohannes Leiknes Nag


11:30-12:10Room 3Creative builder lab
Hands on with H5P: Developing Interactive eLearning objects Mr Kris Jones
Mr Kris Jones


Participants will experience a number of live of eLearning objects used in current online learning environments in Nova Scotia. In this presentation users can see how to embed H5P iFrame objects in to Google sites and how they can be integrated into existing Moodle courses as both embedded objects or through the H5P plugin. During the presentation participants will peek under the hood of H5P learning object development and explore the steps in building these kinds of learning objects with Drag & Drop, True/False Questions, Single Choice set, and Dialogue Cards.


Mr Kris JonesMr Kris Jones

ICT Consultant - Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Parallel sessions
12:20-13:00Room 1Teaching
Using H5P Graded Assignments in Canvas to Increase Student Engagement Ms Amy Mangrich+ 1 more


Interactive content can be used to increase students’ engagement with the course material or used to assess students’ comprehension. When H5P is integrated with a learning management system, like Canvas, activities can be automatically grading and the score pass-through to the course gradebook. However, while H5P activities can be graded assignments, they do not need to be used as the primary means to assess student learning. Instead, H5P activities can be used to promote curiosity and to strengthen a sense of connectedness to course concepts. H5P activities provide instant feedback to students, allowing them to self-assess their understanding of the course material. This gives students control over their learning processes and helps them feel competent to achieve their own learning goals.

In 2019-20, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee supported a Canvas-integrated H5P pilot. This presentation will explore the breadth of approaches used to leverage H5P activities for student engagement. It will also demonstrate strategies for grading these activities within Canvas in order to motivate student participation and completion. Session participants will explore use cases from several pilot courses. They will see examples of how the instructor’s course goal was used to inspire the creation of H5P activities and how the activities were integrated into the overall grading scheme for the course. A demonstration of the H5P/Canvas integration, including H5P-linked Canvas Assignments and Assignment Groups, will provide a context for grade distribution strategies.


Ms Amy MangrichMs Amy Mangrich

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Consultant - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Ms Katherine PinkowskiMs Katherine Pinkowski

Instructional Technologist - College of Letters and Science - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


The proposed session will describe the project that develops new, interactive, video-based learning materials, including videos, activities, and assessments, for learners of Russian at the 1000-3000 levels at the University of Virginia. We use H5P as our platform through which to make and maintain these materials. A library of up-to-date video and audio resources allow students to solidify the vocabulary and grammar, develop their listening, reading and writing skills in tandem through captions and questions created for each particular video (depending on the task at hand), as well as a number of learning activities preceding and following the video clips.
The proposed sessions will demonstrate some of the videos and share the feedback that this project has received. Our department have been using H5P for over a year and our survey results show that students find interactive video clips motivational and usually appreciate the opportunity to be in control over their own learning process. Students enjoy the fact that they can fix their mistakes and value an immediate feedback they receive while watching interactive videos and answering questions imbedded in them. Some of them note that this library of interactive up-to-date video and audio resources is “a great way to reintroduce the information provided in class in a more fun and interactive manner.” This allows to believe that supplementary content built with the help of H5P encourage students to work more on their own and makes them more confident, inspired and successful language learners.

As a continuation of this project we are exploring the integration of H5Pwith Collab, the UVA's central online environment for teaching, learning, collaboration, and research. Through this integration, students and faculty will be able to track student progress through their rosters. Through this integration, the interactive content will be developed for in-class use and other forms of assessment as well.


Ms. Anna Borovskaya-EllisMs. Anna Borovskaya-Ellis

Assistant Professor - Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Virginia

Room 3Ignite
12:20-12:40Creative builder lab
Increasing Content Engagement with Image Hotspots Mr Joseph Gilreath
Mr Joseph Gilreath


Increase content engagement by pairing high quality infographics and videos with H5P's Image Hotspots. A detailed look at how one online course took a long list of static video links and transformed them into more interactive hotspots on infographics.


Mr Joseph GilreathMr Joseph Gilreath

Instructional Designer - Indian River State College

12:40-13:00Creative builder lab
H5P for Life-Long Learning: three use cases at the University of Milano-Bicocca Lorenzo Merignati+ 2 more
Lorenzo Merignati


One of the first Italian Universities which implemented an e-learning platform more than 56000 active users; three professionalizing courses, settled with H5P contents distributed to an audience of 3000 learners.
This is the size of the environment in which the e-learning team of the University of Milano-Bicocca gained experience in designing and building courses oriented to satisfy the professional needs of its administrative personnel and the preprimary teachers of the municipality of Milano (Italy).
The lecture will stress a set of specific key points in order to share best practices within the community of H5P users.
First of all, the attendees will have data about the audience size and the demographics of the audience involved in these sets of courses and their related learning needs. They will have a brief on the genesis of these courses, on the creative process and the web implementation process, in particular analyzing the relationship between the instructional content creators and the creative content creators.
On the one hand, participants will see any specific step for those courses that had born as traditional classes, transposed in a web environment, and boosted by the H5P features. On the other hand, they will see those essential steps for the course initially thought with H5P interactions. In addition to this, some insights will be provided from a technical point of view, in terms of hardware and the software used to realize the creative contents, especially for video productions.
In the end, an overview will be provided about the internal review process facing out issuing problems, such as the audience impact and the platform integrations.


Lorenzo MerignatiLorenzo Merignati

Communication and Marketing Expert - University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)

Marco BondiMarco Bondi

e-learning team manager - University of Milano-Bicocca

Marzia Di FrancescoMarzia Di Francesco

Instructional Designer - University of Milano-Bicocca



The conference venue is located in an area with a rich selection of lunch restaurants. We encourage participants to join other community members and try out the local offerings. Recommendations will be provided in the tote bag.

Parallel sessions
14:00-15:30Room 1Creative builder lab
Building a World Language Course with H5P Interactive Components and Moodle Matt McCrorey+ 1 more
Matt McCrorey


In this session you will learn how to build a language course using H5P interactive components as the foundation. You will learn how to integrate H5P components with the Moodle LMS to create a truly engaging learning experience. You will learn best practices for working with H5P in the Moodle environment, your options for configuration, how to build content types efficiently, and how to setup grading for a teacher-facilitated online high school course. We will also discuss how H5P can be used to scaffold learning for the student and help them achieve mastery in their subject matter. The following H5P content types will be covered: Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Dictation, Speak the Words, Fill in the Blanks, Drag the Words, and others.


Matt McCroreyMatt McCrorey

Instructional Design Coordinator - Northern Star Online, Intermediate District 287

Jim WagnerJim Wagner

Instructional Design Coordinator - Northern Star Online, Intermediate District 287

Parallel sessions
14:00-14:40Room 2Integration
Evolving Open Educational Resources: From Open Textbooks to Open Courseware Mr Clint Lalonde+ 1 more
Mr Clint Lalonde


In this session, we will examine the opportunities and challenges of transitioning a successful large scale, multi-institutional open education project to meet the changing learning resource needs of post-secondary educators, and the role that H5P plays in that transition. We will outline specific strategies that BCcampus uses to support the collaborative development of interactive openly licensed digital courseware using H5P, including content development sprints. We will also discuss successful strategies to enact systemic change within large and complex multi-institutional post-secondary systems, and how we are getting educators to reconsider the financial and pedagogical implications of their choices of learning resources on their learners.

BCcampus is a non-profit organization funded by the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education with a mandate to promote the development and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) across the province’s 25 publicly funded post-secondary institutions. Our flagship open education initiative is the BC Open Textbook Project, which supports the collaborative creation and adoption of freely available and openly licensed textbooks. Since 2012, we have saved students over $12 million (CAD) in textbook costs, and have compiled a repository of over 200 open textbooks. BCcampus has also supported the collaborative development of dozens of new openly licensed textbooks with institutional partners using the open source publishing platform Pressbooks.

While the adoption of open textbooks has saved students millions in commercial textbook costs, educational publishers have begun shifting away from making and selling physical textbooks in favor of making and selling limited-time access to digital courseware. In response to this changing landscape, BCcampus is now collaborating with faculty, instructors, staff and students from across our system to transform our existing open textbook collection into open courseware utilizing tools like H5P. This session will document how we are doing that.


Mr Clint LalondeMr Clint Lalonde

Open Education Project Manager - BCcampus

Steel WagstaffSteel Wagstaff

Client Manager and Product Owner - PressBooks

14:00-14:40Room 3Integration
How to make H5P play well with others Mr Oliver Tacke
Mr Oliver Tacke


H5P is a magnificent tool that allows people to create and present a large variety of different interactive contents. However, organizations usually already have an established ecosystem of platforms and tools - and processes built around those. Enter H5P, the new kid on the block that wants to play with the others ...
In this session, the host will present two examples on how he helped to customize H5P and to integrate it within two different organizations. He will share his experience about the technical challenges that they faced as well as the organizational and entrepreneurial stumbling blocks that they encountered. Also, he will discuss the solutions that they found.
Example #1 is about the creation of a Content Hub for a German book publisher. Next to customizing the Hub itself to suit the publisher’s needs, it had to be integrated with existing systems such as the online shop. Also, there were more issues to take care of when adding interactive online exercises to the list of items that are offered alongside books. It's not intended to demonstrate the technical solution, but to discuss obstacles that others may face with similar projects.
Example #2 is a small project that involved customizing the H5P WordPress plugin to better suit the needs of a federal cloud service provider for schools in Germany. In contrast to example #1, the solution is openly sourced and already found its way into the official code base of the plugin. The focus will lie on the challenges that people may face when they integrate H5P into their organization but also want to contribute to existing parts of the H5P project.


Mr Oliver TackeMr Oliver Tacke

IT freelancer and prolific H5P contributor

Parallel sessions


Central Institute of Educational Research and Training, National Council of Education Research and Training (CIET-NCERT) has been developing all forms of digital contents including H5P contents in different curricular subjects of school Education.This paper will elaborate how a well-devised research and development procedure is enabled at CIET-NCERT for the development and implementation of H5P contents.
The procedure starts with the identification of subject based teams for content analysis with the objective to spot concepts for media interventions followed by script and storyboard development. It has been observed that content analysis results into identifying concepts which need H5P contents for pre- lesion, mid-lesion and post-lesion pedagogical uses. A lot of contents developed are also suitable for self-learning and assessment.The developed scripts and storyboards are evaluated by a script committee consisting of pedagogues and media experts. The scripts and storyboards are then field-tested for further improvement followed by development of contents by different teams. The field-tested and finalized storyboards for interactive contents are then converted into H5P contents. The developed H5P contents are again field-tested for receiving feedback for further modifications. Based on the feedback received the technical team modifies contents and if required posts request in H5P forum for enabling desired features. The finalized H5P contents are then strategically implemented in schools to observe impact on learning outcomes, shared with stakeholders through repositories of open educational resources and integrated with textual contents. A hands-on learning on H5P is an essential component of teacher training to facilitate development and impact. This year on experimental basis an interactive digital textbook embedded with H5P contents for self-learning and assessment is being developed following a well-defined research and development process.


Professor Indu KumarProfessor Indu Kumar

Professor and Head Department of Information and communication Technology & Training Division - Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) , National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) New Delhi

Ms. Ruchi SharmaMs. Ruchi Sharma

Project Associate Technical, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi

Dr. Prachi SharmaDr. Prachi Sharma

Content Developer Academic, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi

Room 3Ignite
14:50-15:10Creative builder lab
Designing the invisible H5P Miss Ges Ng
Miss Ges Ng


Good design is said to be invisible. In this century, we are bombarded with a plethora of integrations, plugins and external applications making consistent design an arduous task. This may cause the learning experience to become disjointed, difficult to navigate and have little commonality in design.

The Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI), a rubric used to evaluate the quality of online learning resources states that presentation design and interaction usability are key components in designing quality online learning resources (Leacock & Nesbit, 2007). Presentation design is defined as the design of visual and audio information to enhance learning and efficiently process information. While interaction usability is defined as navigational ease, user interface predictability and the quality of user interaction help features.

Therefore, in developing the James Cook University Bachelor of Education program, we at Keypath Education sought to predominantly use the powerful H5P column and thus maintain consistency in design and navigation while also maximising the opportunity for interactivity. This tool is also versatile for its ability to design active learning opportunities and is simple to learn and use (Rekhari & Sinnayah, 2018).

In this presentation, we will showcase our H5P column design that focuses on:
• Consistent design
• Predictable navigation
• Organisation of metadata
• Efficient management of interactives
• Opportunities for process improvement.

This presentation is suitable for educators, learning designers and learning technologists with intermediate and advanced experience with H5P.


Miss Ges NgMiss Ges Ng

Learning Designer - Keypath Education

Teaching Interactive Non-Profit Accounting and Finance with H5P Adjunct Professor Andrew Holman+ 1 more
Adjunct Professor Andrew Holman


Accounting education has existed in some form since its inception in 1494. The bulk of existing educational methods focus on teaching through non-interactive means of text, lectures (in person or video) followed by problem sets and cases. H5P can be used in the classroom to change this dynamic to offer interactive learning components. This presentation will demonstrate elements of a nonprofit accounting course that integrates H5P into the course curriculum and thereby turns a “dry” subject into an interactive one.


Adjunct Professor Andrew HolmanAdjunct Professor Andrew Holman

Principal (Ritz Holman LLP) - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Dr Daniel NeelyDr Daniel Neely

Associate Professor-Accounting - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

15:30-16:00Room 1
Afternoon tea break


Spend quality time with other community members, and enjoy coffee and tea with fruits and snacks.

Parallel sessions


H5P has changed the way instructors in higher education teach by making it easy to create, share and reuse interactive content. The French Department at the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) has adopted H5P to update content of both online and on-campus courses. Among these, our team has completed two stimulating projects: an Online Interactive Workbook and a brand-new funtastic Oral French course. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how we have reinterpreted our in-class material for the online version of the course with the help of H5P. In the first part, we’ll demonstrate concrete examples of how we combined course presentations and interactive videos to recreate the in-class atmosphere. Then, we will explore some stimulating H5P features that help students to master comprehension, one of the most important outcomes in any language course. Finally, we will also discuss the advantages of voice recognition. Thanks to H5P, pronunciation and grammar can now be reunited in one enjoyable activity. This presentation intends to provide its audience with a complete overview of two university level projects entirely created with the help of H5P.


Dr Nicolas HebbinckuysDr Nicolas Hebbinckuys

Assistant Professor - University of Waterloo (Canada)

Mr Kanstantsin TsedrykMr Kanstantsin Tsedryk

Continuing Lecturer at the University of Waterloo


Lack of grammar competence will impact language accuracy, and further impact the comprehensibility of one’s language. As a result, interpersonal communication may become more difficult, if not impossible. Research shows that explicit teaching of grammar rules alone has little effect on people’s language acquisition, comprehension, or writing abilities. Explicit instruction only help learners get declarative knowledge. It is only through plenty of practice in communicative contexts that learners could develop their procedural knowledge. The Flipped Classroom instructional model frees more class time for the students to practice using grammar in communicative activities by moving the grammar instruction out of the class with videos, screencasts, and other supplementary exercises. Previous research has shown benefits of employing the Flipped Classroom model in facilitating language learning. Does the nature of learning materials provided outside of class play a role in improving students’ learning experience and learning results with other conditions controlled? This study compares the use of regular videos vs. interactive H5P videos in helping learners acquire grammar in a Flipped Classroom setting. Would learners be more engaged in active learning and thus have more positive learning experience? Two groups of beginning-level college students of Chinese will participate in this study, with exposure to both types of videos across several units by following a two by two design. Their comprehension and usage awareness of the target grammar patterns will be measured by contextualized exercises. Their experience of using these two types of videos will be collected via a questionnaire and follow-up interviews. This study hopes to provide a case study on the effectiveness of interactive videos in facilitating grammar acquisition in a setting where learners enjoy more autonomy.


Dr Hongying XuDr Hongying Xu

Assistant Professor - University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Dr. Mingyu SunDr. Mingyu Sun

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse


The Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center is currently leading a project focused on deploying an analytics architecture based on H5P content with Tech Center partner institutions. This pilot project is intended to identify high impact analytic strategies for assessing and monitoring learning interactions in language learning centered H5P content. The project will deploy a set of H5P content designed for high proficient language learners of Arabic, Korean, Chinese, and Russian. User interaction with the content will be captured in our host LMS (Moodle) and interfaced with our LRS.

This pilot project is exploratory and aims to better understand how H5P can enhance language acquisition. A small sample of existing H5P content targeted at language learning in Arabic, Korean, Chinese, and Russian will be repurposed and deployed within our LMS for a limited number of student participants. Our session will report on:

a) the characteristics and design of H5P content intended for high proficiency language learners,
b) our prototype metrics for assessing learning through the H5P materials, and
c) recommendations for deploying an analytics program for the H5P language learning community at large.


Dr. Richard MedinaDr. Richard Medina

Faculty Specialist in Human-Computer Interaction - Center for Language & Technology, University of Hawaii

Wrap up


We wrap up the day and provide informaton on any planned evening activities

Sponsor of the H5P Conference 2020:
Collaborative Language Program, University of Wisconsin System